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Kvitfjell terrainpark

There are two terraineparks in Kvitfjell. At the Middle Station by Familieheisen (Lift E) you will find Kvitfjellparken, which is a fun park with lots of different elements and creative layout. We offer several park arrangements throughout the season. As a part of the KIDS area at the West side you will find the KIDS-park. Smaller jumps and boxes for the little ones. 

Jumps and big jump

In Kvitfjellparken we have jumps for all levels. When the whole park is open you can choose from ten different jumps and big jumps.  



Railes boxes

Try out Kvitfjellparken's rails and boxes. There is up to 16 different rails and boxes available for different levels in Kvitfjellparken. 




Grønnparken (greenpark) is a simple and fun park where kids can practice their jumps and tricks, situated in the kidsarea at Vestsiden. The park contains boxes, rails and jumps which makes it the perfect start for practice before you take on Kvitfjellparken. 


Welcome to fun days in Kvitfjell!